Bill myers
Bill is from a generation of European immigrants who came to America as pre-1776 Revolution natives who settled in the Arkansas Valley-Ozark Mountains region where he was born. Family and relatives are from an established line of working class Americans, searching for the American dream.
Not a native of Southern California, but a life long inhabitant from early childhood. Bill is a graduate product of the Public School and University education system while living and working in California. Bill is now retired in Orange County, California where he works at becoming a printmaker.
Bill is an artist/craft person who has come to the art and work of formal printmaking late in his life’s experiences. The beginnings of early art/craft journey has included work from early childhood to the present as involvement with self expression in ceramics, leather tooling, stained glass, wood work and metal craft, photography and now printmaking beginning in 2015.
All these work and craft experiences have contributed to the found expressions in his developing printmaking art and craft. Educations in conjunction with work and travels have provided subject instincts for printmaking insights. Ink and paper has become a new medium for exploring the causality of life’s sensory clashes.
Past art and craft experiences are like puzzle pieces that have helped search out emerging printmaking interest and skills in various techniques and mediums.
Printmaking art has provided another of life’s journeys about connecting with social change, past experiences, revisiting past learned craft skills, forgotten memories and engagement with new printmaking adventures. Printmaking is often what is unfolding in the moments of daily life.
Under graduate studies in Psychology, American Studies and Philosophy
AA degree in Photography, California State at Santa Ana Collage, Santa Ana, California
Teaching Degree/Certificate, University California los Angles, Los Angles, California
Bachelor of Arts Certificate, The School of Hard Knocks, The World
“Connective Tissue”– A mixed media Print Exhibition in collaborative projects with Lynk Collective members, SG Gallery Exhibitions Kaleidoscope, Mission Viejo, California, April 2022
“Roots to Crowns” – A mixed media collection in collaboration with Lynk Collective members, B Minus Studio Art Gallery, Santa Ana, California- February 05 – March 05, 2022
“Canary in the Coal Mine”- Zea Mays Audubon Exhibition, Sanford Gallery, East Hampton, Massachusetts -2022
“Canary in the Coal Mine” – Zea Mays Audubon Exhibition, Homer Gallery, Forkes Library, North Hampton, Massachusetts - 2021
“Art on the Wall” – A Printmaking Exhibition by twelve lynckcollective members, Pilgrims Coffee Shop, Fullerton, California – July- December 2016
“Blue Collar Waterfront, San Pedro” A four week Gallery Exhibit featuring Pile Drivers Local #2375 at Angles Gate Community Center, San Pedro, California, 2005
“Blue Collar Hard Hat”- A two week exhibit and photo display at Banning’s Landing Community Center, Wilmington, California, 2004
“Working Our Butts Off” – An exhibit featuring Pile Driver, Bridge, Dock and Wharf Builders #2375 at the Los Angeles Maritime Museum, San Pedro, California, Birth 84, November 2001
“Pile Butts”- A one-week exhibit at the National United Brotherhood of Carpenters Apprenticeship Competition, Anaheim, and California, 1996
“Building America Yesterday and Tomorrow” -An installed exhibit labor display at the Pile Drivers, Bridge Dock and Wharf Builders, #2375, Local Union, Wilmington, California, 1991-2018
“Building America, Yesterday and Tomorrow” – A Pile Drivers #2375 Hard Hat Exhibit at the Los Angles Maritime Museum. San Pedro, California, Birth 84, November 1989-January 1990
“The Witness Tree” - A dry point print in The Hand Magazine, LLC Pairie Village, Kansas – Issue 35, February 2022
“Tension, Twenty Weeks”- A collaborative book by 10 lyncollective artists during 2021 – Published and manufactured in the U.S.A. By lynckcollective 2021
“Zoom Room: In Conversation, A Portrait Project” – A lynckcollective project with seventeen artist creating mixed media portraits as a collection and edition of seventeen artist books. - 2021
“Ghost” – A collection of fifteen mixed media prints depicting the concept of ‘GHOST’ as a collaborative work by the lynckcollective members. - 2019
“Bug Pressed”- A collaborative mixed mediation edition by 8 artists of the lynkcollective, Irvine Fine Art Center, Patrick Merrill Printmaking Studio, Irvine California. - 2018
“Cat Tails”- A special edition collection of 12 dry point prints accordion style book featuring “Oreo the cat”, by Artist at Irvine Fine Art Center, Irvine, California. - 2018
“Archie Green: The Making Of A Working Class Hero” by Sean Burns, University Press of Illinois Press. -2010 Archie Green Photos
“Pile Driver Calendar 2007” – A 2007 color photo labor Calendar featuring #2375 history, work and member photos, Wilmington Press Printer, Wilmington, California. -2006
“Rigging: Instructor Training Workshop” - A instructor lesson Manuel for techniques and technologies of Rigging, University of Pennsylvania in conjunction with United Brotherhood of Carpenters Apprenticeship and Training Fund of North America, Washington, D.C. - 2001
Carpenters Magazine, Cover photo - United Brotherhood of Carpenters International, Washington, D.C. - March/April, 1994
Carpenters Magazine, ‘Earthquake Photo Story’ – United Brotherhood of Carpenters, International, Washington, D.C. - March/April, 1994
“The Hook and Nail” - monthly News letter for Pile Drivers, Bridge, Dock and Wharf Builders, UBC local union #2375 as editor and photographer. - 2000-2006
Public Collections:
“Hooping Crane” A 4’X3’ tall metal wire sculpture, State of California Art Collection purchase, California State Chapman Collage 2013
“Canal Hotel” A 1993 black & white, 13”X17” Photographic film print in Student Art Show, State of California Art Collection purchase –2010
“‘Ocean Pier Walk” A 2007, black & white, 13”X17” Photographic digital print in Student Art Show, State of California Art Collection purchase -2011
“MARCO- No Refinery Work“- ‘Honorable Mention’, Photographic b & w, 35 mm film print -1966, California Administrative Office of Education Gallery Exhibit, , Santa Ana, California - 2012
Memberships and Affiliations:
Lynk Collective-
Flossing Helps, 11" x 14", Drypoint, Mixed Media, Ink, Stonehenge 90#, 2015
Rooftop, 9" x 12", Linocut, Stonehenge 90#, 2017
Old Maasai Warrior, 22" x 30", Drypoint, Watercolor, Stonehenge 90#, 2015
Flower Beetle, 8" x 10", Solarplate, Lennox 100#, 2019